Elite Newsletter
I know this month's newsletter is arriving a little late, however - delay does not mean denial! We're back in action and this time with some holiday flair. If you know me then you know that I go OVERBOARD for the holidays! So in true Fa La La fashion, this newsletter will be packed with the goods and who knows, maybe you should be checking your mailbox soon too! *winks*
Santas Fav, V

Meet our first Lo (Sorry Little Lo Leppert) She's a dance machine with serious skills when it comes to kids. Get to know more about her below.
What have you been up to since graduation?
I have been a PreK teacher for 2 yrs and about to become a substitute teacher for K-12. Currently getting my Masters in Teaching for Elementary Education.
What was your favorite part about being elite?
Our pretty hurts weekend, Little Miss Elite and fundraising events are my favorite parts of Elite. Each foster an opportunity to better ourselves or someone else while having a genuine fun time with each other.
Best advice for the undergrads?
It’s okay for your idea of success to be different from other’s idea of success. Whether it’s your major/career, relationships, etc. do what makes you happy...always. Surround yourself with genuine people that will encourage you when you’re feeling low and celebrate with you when you are reaching your version of success. You don’t have to go out every weekend.
Favorite part about the holiday season?
I mean there are many reasons I love this season: holiday movies, hot cocoa, holiday pjs etc. Christmas has always been my favorite holiday so I love decorating early and listening to holiday music all month long. Most of all I love spending time with my family and giving gifts; it feels good seeing the happiness someone else gets when receiving a gift.
Want more of Lauren or have questions about life and or her career? Email her! laurenttm@yahoo.com | twitter:@theloshoww
Have you sent out your holiday cards? Now is the perfect time to reconnect with your professional contacts via some fun holiday cards! Make sure it has a personal message inside and maybe even a gift of appreciation if you can. Starbucks cards are perf for little appreciation tokens. Don't have a lengthy professional network? Include your teachers, managers and ME (smirk)!
This section is where I'll answer 3 member submitted questions each month. Let me know if you have questions for next month.
Why did you choose pink and blue for Elite colors?
This is a fun question! I picked "Pink Prestige" because it represents the softness, feminity, and womanhood of the organization, it's our girly side! I thought"Denim and Dusk" would be a perfect pairing because it represents the business and hardcore edge we have. Elite girls are super cute but I think we all have an edge that makes us powerful. Together they make a great combo.
What drives you and where do you draw your inspiration?
I'm super motivated by the little girls we work with. I know how much these opportunities mean to them so I'm always trying to think of ways to go harder and create an experience for them. I also have moments where I don't feel as motivated. When that happens I watch Beyoncé BTS videos. She gets me right in check.
What's your favorite Beyoncé Song?
That's impossible to answer. But if I had to choose 3 they'd be Resentment, Jealous and All Night. Wait no, add Countdown to that list too!

During this time of year music and movies are at their best! If you're a holiday fanatic then I'm sure you've already started your festive music playlist. Don't forget to add John Legends new holiday album! I listened to it all the way through with no skips and I seriously had a moment. All of my movies this time around come straight from Netflix *grabs popcorn*. Make sure you get into The Holiday Calendar! Besides Quincy being adorable, the movie is really cute and has my favorite guy from This Is Us so it's automatically 5 stars! Honorable mentions include The Holiday Wedding Planner and The Christmas Chronicles.

Our St.Louis Sweetheart - Meet Makayla!
Christmas or New Years Eve?
Christmas because that’s a time where all my family gets together and always has a good time!
Big City or Small Town?
Big City!
Favorite Holiday Song?
This Christmas- Chris Brown
What's one thing people don't really know about you?
I used to be a Tom Boy when I was younger.
What's one thing on your Christmas List?
MK Watch
The holidays are all about giving so I can't leave my ELITE family out! I have a special holiday gift set (trust me you REALLY want it) for ONE lucky member! Want to enter? Complete an act of kindness and email me photos and a description by 12/22. Winner will be announced on CHRISTMAS DAY! Get creative and make it from your heart. <3
Gift giving is one of my favorite things about the holiday season. Here are 5 cute gifts to give away or to add to your list!
Click the item to get more details.
for the snowy nights in.
to keep you warm.
to maintain the slay.
for the nights out on the town.
to efficiently enjoy a snack and a drink at once.

EMIZ MEETING - November 28th
LME Winter Wonderland (MIZ) - November 30th
ECHI Interviews Continue - December 1st & 3rd
EMIZ Holiday Party - December 5th
ECHI Children's Volunteer Day - December 15th
Fa La La Party - December 23rd
23 Stockings of Love (CHI) - December 27th

Suggestions, Comments, Topics? Submit them below. I'd love to hear from you!